Email your Legislator
Writing to your legislator is an easy, high-impact way to move the needle. Research shows that personalized emails are the most compelling. Create and send a personalized email directly to your legislator using the form below.
Let your legislator know that you plan to testify and want to be alerted when an opportunity arises.
Some reasons we’ve heard for supporting the open primary that you may want to include:
- The open primary removes barriers for people to run for office, encouraging more diverse candidates.
- Ranked choice voting is easy and lets me express my opinion on all the candidates.
- I thought last year’s elections were more competitive than previous years.
- I liked being able to choose from all candidates in the open primary.
- I voted for Ballot Measure 2 and still support the reforms that voters put in place.
- Legislators should respect the will of the voters; not vote to overturn a citizens' initiative at the earliest opportunity.